Monday, August 30, 2010

I barely remember I did these things.

I wish people would be catty with me because I won't and don't get mad before I say something to break the ice so to speak for I don't know why.  I often do this, not realize what I said.  So forgive me; I got better, woo-hoo.  Most people don't think they can be sorry for something so bad and always be hurt by it.  I can say it was a mistake though and that I'm just sorry and totally hate myself for thinking of things this way.

I don't see what's wrong if it's in fun, but most things are really serious.  They don't get mad at blatant bad people because they're scared.  It is true people don't care about me, in reality never cursing nor anything.  People just want things they don't want too.  I dunno!  I just want these things to be over, but why does it seem permanent?  Just forget it.  I do these things on the 2nd level by accident.  I don't remember the 3rd level of the brain that people have.

There's no getting out of this other than to accept this can be an apology because I want to doubt these were read.  What if they were?  I think they weren't except by people who can assume I have a mental condition.  I did go to the mental hospital, and now it's different.  I know what to do.  The police men came and said they were taking me somewhere to help me.  I got mad originally hitting my wall not too hard.  So if I can get that forgiven I'm in the clear.

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